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CDTM Honorary Master Program

Technical University of Munich (TUM) From 2006 to 2009

University: Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Description: CDTM is a joint program between TUM and LMU, two biggest universities in Munich. Program's primary focus is on technology and management and training future entrepreneurs and CTOs. The program's curriculum as well as its student groups are interdisciplinary. It covers majors from mathematics and engineering to management and economics. I was admitted in 2006 for the winter semester. It was an amazing experience and we learned a lot during carrying out interdisciplinary projects and attending lectures from design and online marketing to negotiation, business modeling and managerial economics. Our class also initiated a successful start-up, Stylight, which became big and was sold for millions. I did two internships via CDTM, one in Los Angeles with Nova Development and one with Infosys in India. Skills and knowledge that I learned at CDTM helped me with my future endeavor and passion as a technology consultant and CIO advisor.
Time: From 2006/09/11 to 2009/11/11
Degree: Master's
Location: Munich, Germany
Skills: technology management, entrepreneurship, business moderlling, intercultural communication,
Language: English
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