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Senior IT Advisor of Karroubi’s 2009 Presidential Campaign

Senior IT Advisor in Mehdi Karroubi's 2009 Campaign

Position: Senior IT Advisor
Company: Mehdi Karroubi's 2009 Campaign
Description: Upon finishing my Master's studies and before starting my PhD, I worked about four months for Mehdi Karroubi's presidential campaign in 2009. He was the progressive candidate of the opposition. Together with Mir Hossein Mousavi, the moderate opposition candidate, they were trying to restore democracy and human rights in Iran. The movement was not sucessful and Ahmadinedjad, a radical and ethically unfit person won the controversial election. I helped launching to organize grassroot activities and use available free infrastructure to reach a broader audience for Mr. Karroubi's ideas. He was a decent and moral man.
Time: From 2009/02/01 to 2009/05/30
Location: Tehran, Iran
Skills: IT Strategy, CIO Advisory, Political Campaign,
Activity Type: Temporary/Interim
Language: Persian
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